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St Benedict's 6th Form RE Day


Stuart and Adrian spent Friday morning at St Benedict's School, Whitehaven as part of their 6th Form RE day. The students gave presentations on the charities that they had researched (e.g. Crisis, Greenpeace) before Adrian explained how the North Lakes Foodbank works. A group of students then undertook a one hour workshop, led by Stuart. As the school has been collecting food over Lent they were able to date it all, to better appreciate what many of our volunteers do every week. Many facts and figures were given to them including one noting that demand for the Foodbank has inceased by approximately 5% again over the past 12 months.

The group then turned their attention to the ways in which they might be able to help the Foodbank collect food. We left them with a green collection bin and look forward to regularly emptying it for them!

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